Clicking on the links will take you to the corresponding page of this Report.
Tables’ Reference Symbols
Disclosure | Description | Location | Omission | GRI Sector Standard Ref. No. | Ext. Assurance | ||
Requirement(s) Omitted | Reason | Explanation | |||||
2-1 |
Organizational details |
Group Activities & Strategy/ The Group at a Glance, |
* |
* |
* |
* |
V |
2-2 |
Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting |
Report Methodology |
V |
Reporting period, frequency and contact point |
V |
2-4 |
Restatements of information |
V |
External assurance |
Report Methodology, Independent Auditor’s Verification Report |
V |
Activities, value chain and other business relationships |
Group Activities & Strategy/ Business Model & Value Chain, Group Activities, Seamless Energy Availability and Accessibility/ Accessibility of Products and Services, Report Methodology |
V |
Employees |
Our People/ Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
V |
Workers who are not employees |
2-8a |
Not applicable |
The employees of the third-party companies-external partners are not controlled by the Group. |
Governance structure and composition |
Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Corporate Governance Structure |
V |
Nomination and selection of the highest governance body |
pp. 49, 60-79 |
V |
Chair of the highest governance body |
p. 130 |
V |
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts |
Group Activities & Strategy/ Group Strategy, Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Stakeholder Engagement, Our People, Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Corporate Governance Structure |
V |
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts |
Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis |
V |
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting |
Message to Stakeholders, Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Corporate Responsibility Structure |
V |
Conflicts of interest |
Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation, Health and Safety, Seamless Energy Availability and Accessibility |
V |
Communication of critical concerns |
Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Risk Prevention and Management/ Internal Audit |
V |
Collective knowledge of the highest governance body |
pp. 132, 148-157 |
V |
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body |
Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
V |
Remuneration policies |
pp. 76-78 |
V |
Process to determine remuneration |
pp. 70-71, 76-78 |
V |
Annual total compensation ratio |
V |
2-22 |
Statement on sustainable development strategy |
Message to Stakeholders |
V |
Policy commitments |
Message to our Stakeholders, Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
V |
Embedding policy commitments |
Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
V |
Processes to remediate negative impacts |
Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation, Health and Safety, Seamless Energy Availability and Accessibility |
V |
Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns |
Our People, Seamless Energy Availability and Accessibility/ Quality and Safety of Products and Services, Corporate Governance and Transparency, Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
V |
Compliance with laws and regulations |
V |
Membership associations |
V |
Approach to stakeholder engagement |
V |
Collective bargaining agreements |
Our People/ Human Rights and Equal Opportunities for Employees and Partners |
V |
Disclosure | Description | Location | Omission | GRI Sector Standard Ref. No. | Ext. Assurance | ||
Requirement(s) Omitted | Reason | Explanation | |||||
Methodology |
Process to determine material topics |
V |
List of material topics |
V |
Climate Change |
3-3 |
Management of material topic |
Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation/ The Group’s Approach |
V |
201-2 |
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change |
Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation/ The Group’s Approach |
V |
302-1 |
Energy consumption within the organisation |
V |
302-2 |
Energy consumption outside of the organisation (downstream & upstream) |
V |
302-3 |
Energy Intensity |
V |
Reduction of energy consumption |
V |
Reductions in energy requirements of products and services |
Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation/ Promotion of Sustainable Products |
V |
305-1 |
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions |
V |
305-2 |
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emission |
V |
305-3 |
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions |
V |
305-4 |
GHG emissions intensity |
V |
305-5 |
Reduction of GHG emissions |
V |
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria |
V |
Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
V |
Pollution of Atmosphere |
3-3 |
Management of material topics |
Air Quality and Natural Resource Management/ The Group’s Approach |
11.3.1 |
V |
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) |
V |
305-7 |
NOx, SΟ2 and other significant air emissions |
V |
Energy (access and availability) & Mobility |
3-3 |
Management of material topics |
Seamless Energy Availability & Accessibility/ The Group’s Approach |
V |
416-1 |
Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories |
Seamless Energy Availability & Accessibility/ Quality and Safety of Products and Services |
V |
Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services |
V |
Requirements for product and service information and labeling |
Seamless Energy Availability & Accessibility/ Quality and Safety of Products and Services |
V |
Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling |
Seamless Energy Availability & Accessibility/ Quality and Safety of Products and Services |
V |
Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications |
V |
Health, Safety and Wellbein |
3-3 |
Management of material topics |
V |
403-1 |
Occupational health and safety management system |
V |
403-2 |
Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation |
V |
403-3 |
Occupational health services |
Our People/ Human rights and equal opportunities for employees and partners |
V |
403-4 |
Worker participation, consultation and communication on occupational health and safety |
V |
403-5 |
Worker training on occupational health and safety |
V |
403-6 |
Promotion of worker health |
Our People/ Human rights and equal opportunities for employees and partners |
V |
403-7 |
Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships |
V |
403-8 |
Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system |
V |
403-9 |
Work-related injuries |
V |
403-10 |
Work-related ill health |
V |
Economic Impact |
3-3 |
Management of material topics |
11.14.1 |
V |
201-1 |
Direct economic value generated and distributed |
Value Creation/ Value Creation in the Economy and Employment |
V |
201-4 |
Financial assistance received from government |
V |
202-2 |
Proportion of senior management hired from local community |
V |
203-1 |
Infrastructure investments and services supported |
Value Creation/ Value Creation in Society through Corporate Responsibility Actions |
V |
203-2 |
Significant indirect economic impacts |
Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation, Value Creation/ Value Creation in the Economy and Employment |
V |
204-1 |
Proportion of spending on local suppliers |
Value Creation/ Value Creation in the Economy and Employment |
V |
413-1 |
Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments and development programs |
Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Value Creation/ Value Creation in the Local Community, Risk Prevention and Management/ Critical Incident Risk Management |
V |
413-2 |
Operations with significant actual or potential negative impacts on local communities |
Sustainable Development/ Double Materiality Analysis, Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation, Value Creation, Health & Safety, Risk Prevention and Management/ Critical Incident Risk Management |
V |
Disclosure | Description | Location | Omission | GRI Sector Standard Ref. No. | Ext. Assurance | ||
Requirement(s) Omitted | Reason | Explanation | |||||
Circular Economy Principles: Sustainable Water & Waste Management |
Materials used by weight or volume |
V |
Recycled input materials used |
V |
Reclaimed products and their packaging materials |
V |
303-1 |
Interactions with water as a shared resource |
V |
303-2 |
Management of water discharge-related impacts |
V |
303-3 |
Water withdrawal |
V |
303-4 |
Water discharge |
V |
303-5 |
Water consumption |
V |
306-1 |
Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts |
V |
306-2 |
Management of significant waste-related impacts |
V |
306-3 |
Waste generated |
V |
306-4 |
Waste diverted from disposal |
V |
306-5 |
Waste directed to disposal |
V |
Biodiversity and Ecosystems |
304-1 |
Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
Air Quality and Natural Resource Management/ Biodiversity and Ecosystems |
V |
304-2 |
Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity |
Air Quality and Natural Resource Management/ Biodiversity and Ecosystems |
V |
304-3 |
Habitats protected or restored |
V |
304-4 |
IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations |
Air Quality and Natural Resource Management/ Biodiversity and Ecosystems |
V |
Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
201-3 |
Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans |
Our People/ Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
V |
Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage |
202-1b |
Information unavailable |
Not aware of the compensation and wages of workers who are not employees. These workers are not controlled by the Group (GRI 2-8a). |
401-1 |
New employee hires and employee turnover |
Our People/ Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
V |
401-2 |
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees |
Our People/ Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
V |
401-3 |
Parental leave |
V |
402-1 |
Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes |
V |
404-1 |
Average hours of training per year per employee |
Our People/ Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
V |
404-2 |
Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs |
Our People/ Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
V |
404-3 |
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews |
Our People/ Employee Attraction, Training, Development and Retention |
V |
Human Rights and Equal Opportunities for Employees and Partners |
405-1 |
Diversity of governance bodies and employees |
pp. 146 |
V |
405-2 |
Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men |
V |
406-1 |
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken |
V |
407-1 |
Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk |
Our People/ Human Rights and Equal Opportunities for Employees and Partners |
V |
408-1 |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor |
Our People/ Human Rights and Equal Opportunities for Employees and Partners |
V |
409-1 |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour |
Our People/ Human Rights and Equal Opportunities for Employees and Partners |
V |
410-1 |
Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures |
V |
414-1 |
New suppliers that were screened using social criteria |
V |
414-2 |
Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
V |
Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
205-2 |
Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures |
Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
V |
205-3 |
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken |
V |
206-1 |
Legal actions for anticompetitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices |
V |
207-1 |
Approach to tax |
Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
V |
207-2 |
Tax governance, control, and risk management |
Corporate Governance & Transparency/ Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency |
V |
207-3 |
Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax |
V |
207-4 |
Country-by-country reporting |
V |
Political contributions |
V |
Risk Prevention and Management |
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption |
V |
Total number and volume of significant spills |
Risk Prevention and Management/ Critical Incident Risk Management |
V |
Additional Sector Disclosures |
Number of process safety events, per business activity |
Risk Prevention and Management/ Critical Incident Risk Management |
V |
Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data |
Risk Prevention and Management/ Information and Information Systems Security |
V |
GRI 11 Oil & Gas Sector 2021 topics judged non-material | |
Topic | Explanation |
GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021 | These topics were considered to be non-material according to the results of the double materiality analysis (see GRI 3-1 και 3-2). However, HELLENiQ ENERGY monitors them over time and includes the relevant GRI disclosures above. |
Waste | |
Water and effluents | |
Biodiversity | |
Employment practices | |
Non-discrimination and equal opportunity | |
Forced labor and modern slavery | |
Freedom of association and collective bargaining | |
Conflict and security | |
Anti-competitive behavior | |
Anti-corruption | |
Payments to governments | |
Public policy | |
Closure and rehabilitation | HELLENiQ ENERGY is not in the process of completing any activity or relocating infrastructure. In addition, it is not currently active in the oil extraction field. |
Rights Of Indigenous People | HELLENiQ ENERGY does not operate in areas adjacent to indigenous communities, so no incidents of violation of their rights has been occured or been reported. |
Conflict and security | HELLENiQ ENERGY does not operate in countries and / or regions where there are political and / or social unrest, in order to pose security risks to its people and facilities. |
* A gray cell indicates something that does not apply. This only relates to the “Omission” and “GRI Sector Standard ref. no.” columns.