Standards & Verification

Communication on Progress (CoP) of the UN Global Compact (UNGC)

Governance (G)
Question Reference to the Sections within
the Report/ GRI Standards
Mapping to the Ten Principles
of the UN Global Compact

G1 Board/senior management engagement

2-12, 2-14, 2-22

Principles 1 and 7

G2 Publicly stated commitment


Principles 1, 7 and 10

G3 Code of conduct


Principles 1, 7 and 10

G4 Individual or group responsible


Principles 1, 7 and 10

G5 Formal structure


Principles 1, 7 and 10

G6 Risk assessment processes


Principles 1, 7 and 10

G7 Due diligence

2-12, 2-23, 3-1, 3-3

Principles 1, 7 and 10

G8 Raising concerns about the company’s conduct


Principles 1, 3, 7 and 10

G8.1 Raising concerns about the company’s conduct – Detail


Principles 1, 3, 7 and 10

G9 Remedy

3-3, 2-25 

Principles 1, 7 and 10

G10 Lessons

Our People
Corporate Governance and Transparency


Principles 1, 7 and 10

G11 Executive pay linked to sustainability performance


Principles 1, 7 and 10

G12 Board composition

2-9, 405-1

Principles 1 and 6

G13 Sustainability reporting

Report Mrethodology

Principles 1, 7 and 10

G14 Information assurance


Principles 10

G14.1 Information assurance detail


Principle 10

Human Rights
Question Reference to the Sections
within the Report / GRI Standards
Mapping to the Ten Principles
of the UN Global Compact

HR1 Material issues


Principles 1 and 2

HR8 Practical actions

Our People – Human rights and equal opportunities for employees and partners

Health and Safety


Principles 1 and 2

Question Reference to GRI Standards/ Section
within the Report
Mapping to the Ten Principles
of the UN Global Compact the Section within this Report

L1 Policy

3-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1

Our People

Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L1.1 Policy detail


Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L2 Stakeholders

3-1, 3-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1

Sustainable Development

Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L3 Prevention

3-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1

Our People

Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L4 Training

3-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1

Our People

Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L5 Prevention /mitigation progress assessment

3-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1

Our People


Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L6 Collective bargaining agreements


Principle 3

L7 Trade union or other worker’s organization

Our People

Principle 3

L8 Gender

Our People
Corporate Governance and Transparency/ Corporate Governance Structure

Principle 6

L9 Pay equity


Principle 6

L10 Injury frequency


Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L11 Incident rate

Health and Safety

Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L12 Remedy

403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1

Our People

Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

L13 Practical actions

3-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1

Our People

Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6

Question Reference to the Sections
within the Report / GRI Standards
Mapping to the Ten Principles
of the UN Global Compact

E1 Policy


Principles 7 and 8

E1.1 Policy detail

3-1, 3-3, 201-2, 301-2 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 304-2304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Climate Change- – Mitigation and Adaptation

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management

Principles 7 and 8

E2 Stakeholders

3-1, 3-3, 201-2, 301-2 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 304-2304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Climate Change- – Mitigation and Adaptation

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management

Principles 7 and 8

E3 Prevention/ mitigation

3-1, 3-3, 201-2, 301-2 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 304-2304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Climate Change- – Mitigation and Adaptation

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management


Principles 7 and 8

E4 Prevention/ mitigation progress assessment

3-1, 3-3, 201-2, 301-2 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 304-2304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Climate Change- – Mitigation and Adaptation

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management

Principles 7 and 8

E4.1 Goals and targets

301-2 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 304-2304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Climate Change- – Mitigation and Adaptation

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management

Principles 7 and 8

E4.2 Measuring progress

301-2 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 304-2304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Climate Change- – Mitigation and Adaptation

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management


Principles 7 and 8

E5 Remedy

301-2 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 304-2304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5

Climate Change- – Mitigation and Adaptation

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management

Principles 7 and 8

E6 Greenhouse gas emissions

305-1, 305-2, 305-3

Principles 7 and 8

E6.1 Scope 3 emissions detail


Principles 7 and 8

E7 R&D Investment

Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation/ Participation in Research Project

Principles 7, 8 and 9

E8 Climate adaptation


Principles 7, 8 and 9

E9 Renewable energy


Principles 7, 8 and 9

E10 Environmentally friendly products

Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation/ Promotion of Sustainable Products

Principles 7, 8 and 9

E11 Sector



E12 Water withdrawal and consumption

303-1, 303-2, 303-3

Principles 7, 8 and 9

E13 Water intensity

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management/ Sustainable Water Management

Principles 7, 8 and 9

E14 KBA (Key Biodiversity Areas) sitesy


Principles 7 and 8

E15 Natural Ecosystems


Principles 7 and 8

E16 Ecosystem restoration and protection


Principles 7,8 and 9

E17 Ecosystem restoration and protection


Principles 7, 8 and 9

E17 Air pollution


Principles 7 and 8

E18 Waste


Principles 7 and 8

E19 Hazardous waste

306-4, 306-5

Principles 7 and 8

E20 Single-use plastic

Air Quality and Natural Resource Management

Principles 7 and 8

E21 Practical actions

Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation

Principles 7, 8 and 9

Question Reference to the Sections
within the Report/ GRI Standards
Mapping to the Ten Principles
of the UN Global Compact

AC1 Compliance programme

3-3, 205-1, 205-2, 205-3

Principle 10

AC1.1 Year of programme review

Corporate Governance and Transparency

Principle 10

AC2 Policy

Corporate Governance and Transparency

Principle 10

AC3 Training


Principle 10

AC3.1 Training frequency


Principle 10

AC4 Compliance monitoring

205-1, 205-2, 205-3

Risk Prevention and Management

Principle 10

AC5 Incidents


Principle 10

AC6 Measures

205-1, 205-2, 205-3

Corporate Governance and Transparency

Principle 10

AC7 Collective Action

205-1, 205-2, 205-3

Corporate Governance and Transparency

Principle 10

AC8 Practical actions

205-1, 205-2, 205-3

Corporate Governance and Transparency

Principle 10

Sustainability Standards & Verification Accountability Principles Standard AA1000 Index
Sustainability Standards & Verification ATHEX-ESG Reporting Guide